In 2016, we had an incredible 95 living donors! These are all people who stepped up and were willing to give a part of themselves so that someone else — a family member, friend, or even a stranger could have a second chance at life.
We're highlighting the stories of living donors and sharing some great resources for those looking for a living donor or those thinking of becoming one. Here are some of those stories:

When I was a young girl I had a good friend that had to undergo dialysis and it always stuck with me how awful it was that he was unable to live the normal life of a kid. As an adult, I became aware of how many people lived this reality - and once I knew I could do something about it, it was really important to me that I act on it.
It really came down to the fact that I have two kidneys and educated myself enough to know that I can live exactly the same life with just one - so then the question became “how could you not?” and I reached out to BC Transplant to become an anonymous donor.

In 2000, I was diagnosed with Bergers disease and by 2015, with less than 10% kidney function, my sister Cheryl donated one of her kidneys to me. Because of the slow progression of the kidney disease I really had no idea how sick I was until after my transplant. It was then that I realized how tired I was before — it was like I had been living in a fog.
Thanks to my sister Cheryl I have a second chance at life and a bright future ahead for me. What Cheryl did for me cannot truly be expressed in words and I am forever grateful.
When I found out that my brother Randy needed a kidney it was a “No Brainer” moment. What surprised me the most was the actual process of becoming the donor. During this experience my empathy for Randy grew and after months of tests the day did come when I was deemed a suitable match. It was a great day!
Randy and I have always been close and this makes us even closer. We share our kidney, the experience, the tests, Vancouver and the operation. To bring a smile to our faces we just have to say orange jug or as some call it, 24 hour urine test! (see photo above).

I'm so grateful to my dad for his kidney donation.
Since my transplant, I've been able to: get married, work and volunteer, travel, LIVE my LIFE, celebrate great health since 1999 and develop a passion to help people with their kidney health and organ donation.
I’m also extremely grateful for all the people that came forward when I was looking for a living donor—my mom, sister and my dad all got tested to see if they could donate. Ultimately, my dad was the perfect match and I’m so thankful.
Want to thank a special living donor in your life? Share your story with us on social media using the hashtag #LivingDonorThanks.